Privacy policy

Please read this agreement carefully, as it contains important information regarding your legal rights and remedies.

Writeonwhite  recognizes the importance of maintaining your privacy. We value your privacy and appreciate your trust in us. This Privacy Policy applies to current and former visitors to our website and to our online customers. By visiting and/or using our website, you agree to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy explains the information practices that apply to personally identifiable information that we collect about you as an individual, when you visit and/or use our website. Any information that we collect about you while you are visiting or using our website will be handled in accordance with this Writeonwhite Privacy Policy and will not be shared except in accordance with this Writeonwhite Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect: This section of our Privacy Policy describes the categories of information collected by Writeonwhite. All data that we collect is processed and stored in our database. You have the option not to provide information, however, withholding information may prevent you from being able to use some of our website features.

Information Collected Automatically: Whenever you visit our website, we automatically collect some information about your transactions with us, and your use of our website. We also automatically track certain information about your activities on our website such as the type of web browser you are using and click stream data. If you are a registered Writeonwhite customer, we link this automatically-collected data to the personally identifiable information we collect about you described below. We use this information to do internal research on your interests and to help us better understand and serve you.

Information You Send To Us: If you choose to provide us with Personal Information, such as by sending us an e-mail or by filling out a form with your Personal Information and submitting it to us through our Website, we collect the Personal Information that you provide to us. For example, if you register or sign up for an account with us, we collect your name, e-mail address, telephone number and password. If you place an order with us, we collect the Personal Information that you provide to us such as your shipping, billing, and payment information. From time-to-time.

Writeonwhite may give you the opportunity to participate in contests or surveys on our Website. If you participate, we will request certain Personal Information from you. Participation in these surveys or contests is completely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose the requested information.

Information About Your Transactions With Us: In addition, we collect your order information and purchase and payment history as well.

Use and Disclosure of Information: We use the information that we collect about you to maintain, improve, and administer our website, operate our business, provide products and services that you request, administer your account, inform you about products and services that might be of interest to you, and personalize your online experience. In order to carry out certain business functions, such as order fulfillment, e-mail delivery, or marketing, we sometimes hire other companies to perform services on our behalf. We may disclose personally identifiable information that we collect about you to these companies to enable them to perform these services, but they are required to safeguard the data and are not authorized to use it for any other purpose than completing their contractual requirements to Writeonwhite . For example, as a part of the normal process of completing your purchase, Writeonwhite. may provide your personal data to a third party payment processor, such as Paytm. depending on your chosen method of payment.

Advertising: The Company uses some third parties to administer a limited set of advertisements on our website and portals. During this process, no personal information is leaked. However, aggregate profile information, such as user community, may be used in the selection of advertising to make sure that it has relevance to the user. On some banner ads, an embedded pixel may be present, and while it does not associate with a cookie or other personal profile information, it may return session connection information that allows advertisers to better determine how many individual users have clicked on the ad banner.

Problems Signing In: Our sign-in process is designed to help protect your privacy. If you have trouble signing in to our website, please ensure that you are using your registered e-mail address and/or correct password. If you are using your registered e-mail address and correct password, and you continue to have trouble signing in to our site, please mail to or Contact Us on: 8879617706


Order Confirmation: Writeonwhite sends an e-mail notice confirming acceptance of each order you place to the e-mail address you provided to us when signing up for a Writeonwhite account. If you receive a confirmation for an order you did not place, please e-mail us immediately mail to