Refund Policy

Please read this agreement carefully, as it contains important information regarding your legal rights and remedies.

7 days Replacement only

Free replacement will be provided within 7 days if the product is delivered in defective/damaged condition or different from the ordered item.

Please keep the product intact, with original accessories, user manual and warranty cards in the original packaging at the time of returning the product.

The amount credited on refund will be based on the price of the product at the time of purchase. Any change in the product price thereafter will not be considered. As we do not have a reverse pickup facility yet, the shipping charges borne by you. The online refund procedure will be initiated within 07 days after we have received your product. Once initiated, the amount will reflect in your account. We update our customers via email once we initiate the refund procedure. If we’ve emailed you about initiating the refund procedure, kindly wait for 15 days for the process to be completed. COD order refund will also be via online transfer hence the customer has to send an e-mail to along with their bank details